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发布时间:2017-04-20 | 来源:中国网


United Nations: Silk Road Initiative

复兴丝绸之路的计划早在上世纪 60 年代就已经开始,最初的计划是修建一条连接新加坡至土耳其的全长约 14000公里的铁路。推动丝绸之路复兴的政府和组织数量众多,发挥作用最大的是联合国。

The Silk Road Initiative (SRI) was first discussed in the 1960s. The initial plan was to build 14,000 kilometers of railway line linking Singapore and Turkey. Many governments and organizations supported the initiative, with the United Nations playing the driving role.


The United Nations Development Programme formally launched the SRI in February 2008. Officials from 19 countries including China, Russia, Iran and Turkey signed letters of intent in Geneva, Switzerland, committing to invest US$43 billion in the ensuing years to reinvigorate the ancient Silk Road and other Eurasian land arteries over a combined distance of 7,000 kilometers.


A total of 230 projects were planned from 2008 to 2014 to improve the infrastructure along the ancient trade routes and open a number of economic corridors. The ultimate goal was to bring a renaissance to the ancient routes, providing new development opportunities for Central Asian and East European countries, and enabling the inland areas to benefit from globalization.