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发布时间:2020-01-19 | 来源:中国网


“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛是“一带一路”提出以来最高规格的论坛活动, 主要包括开幕式、圆桌峰会和高级别会议三个部分。第一届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛于2017年5月14日至15日在北京举行,是2017年中国重要的主场外交活动,对推动国际和地区合作具有重要意义。29位外国元首、政府首脑及联合国秘书长、红十字国际委员会主席等3位重要国际组织负责人出席高峰论坛,来自130多个国家的约1500名各界贵宾作为正式代表出席论坛,来自全球的4000余名记者注册报道此次论坛。2017年5月14日,中国国家主席习近平出席论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲。经过梳理和汇总形成的高峰论坛成果清单主要涵盖政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通5大类,共76大项270多项具体成果。

2019年4月25日至27日,第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京成功举行。这场盛会是我国2019年最重要的主场外交。论坛的主题是共建“一带一路”、开创美好未来。论坛期间举行了高峰论坛开幕式、领导人圆桌峰会、高级别会议、12 场分论坛和1场企业家大会。包括中国在内,38个国家的元首和政府首脑等领导人以及联合国秘书长和国际货币基金组织总裁共40位领导人出席圆桌峰会。来自150 个国家、92个国际组织的6000余名外宾参加了论坛。


Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

This is the highest-level international event organized under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. The main events include an opening ceremony, a Leaders Roundtable Summit and a high-level conference.

The first forum was organized by China in Beijing on May 14-15, 2017. A major diplomatic gathering in 2017, it was significant to international and regional cooperation. Twenty-nine foreign heads of state and government attended the forum along with the UN Secretary-General and heads of two other international organizations, in addition to about 1,500 representatives from over 130 countries. About 4,000 global journalists reported the event. Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the forum on May 14, 2017. More than 270 concrete results in five key areas - policy, infrastructure, trade, finance, and people-to- people connectivity - were made at the forum.

The second forum was held in Beijing on April 25-27, 2019. Thirty-eight heads of state and government attended the forum along with the UN Secretary-General and IMF managing director, in addition to about 6,000 representatives from over 150 countries and 92 international organizations. Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the forum, presided over the Leaders Roundtable Summit, and held meetings with foreign leaders. The attendees exchanged views, reached extensive consensus on promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and achieved fruitful outcomes.