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发布时间:2020-01-19 | 来源:中国网



2014年7月,在巴西福塔莱萨举行的第六届金砖国家领导人峰会上,金砖国家新开发银行正式宣告成立。金砖国家新开发银行总部设在中国上海,首任理事长、董事长及行长分别来自俄罗斯、巴西和印度。该行初始授权资本为1000亿美元,初始认购资本为500亿美元,由5个创始成员国均摊。该银行于2015年7月21日正式开业, 截止到2018年5月底,已批准21个项目,贷款总额超过51亿美元。2017年,新开发银行在南非开设了非洲区域中心,将帮助银行更好地准备在非洲的投资项目。作为南南合作的新范式,金砖国家新开发银行的成立是对现有国际金融体系的有益补充,也表明了金砖国家利用自身的全球金融资源推动经济可持续发展,弥补现有国际金融机构功能缺失,以积极的姿态参与重塑国际经济新秩序。

BRICS New Development Bank

The New Development Bank (NDB) is an international financial institution established as a joint initiative among BRICS countries. It is a move to reduce reliance on the US dollar and the euro, and facilitate account settlement and loan transaction, cash flow and free trade among BRICS countries.

The NDB was founded during the Sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil, in July 2014. Its headquarters were to be located in Shanghai, China, its first chair of the Board of Governors to be from Russia, first chair of the Board of Directors from Brazil, and first President from India. The bank would have an initial authorized capital of US$100 billion, and an initial subscribed capital of US$50 billion to be equally shared among founding members.

The bank formally opened on July 21, 2015. By the end of May 2018, it had approved 21 projects, with US$5.1 billion of combined loans. Its Africa Regional Center was opened in South Africa in 2017 to finance the bank's local investment projects.

As a new model for South-South cooperation, the NDB supplements the existing international financial system. It serves as proof of the emerging economies' ability to utilize their own financial resources to spur sustainable growth, make up for the functional deficiency of the existing global financial institutions, and participate in the shaping of a new international economic order.
