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发布时间:2020-01-19 | 来源:中国网


2018年6月,习近平在中央外事工作会议上指出:“所谓正确大局观,就是不仅要看到现象和细节怎么样,而且要把握本质和全局,抓住主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面, 避免在林林总总、纷纭多变的国际乱象中迷失方向、舍本逐末。”习近平此前也曾多次强调:“面对变局,最根本的是把握世界多极化、经济全球化发展的必然趋势,抓住各国人民对和平与发展的共同诉求,走合作共赢道路。”只有树立正确大局观,我们才能清楚认识到,和平与发展仍然是时代主题,当今世界出现的各种乱象都是和平与发展这个主题没有解决好的反映。

The Correct Perspective on the Overall Situation

Xi Jinping elaborated on the correct perspective on the overall situation at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in June 2018. He said, "With the correct perspective on the overall situation, one will not only note the phenomena and the details, but also capture the essence and see the whole picture, and understand the principal problems and their fundamental nature. One can thereby avoid getting lost in or attending to trifles, to the detriment of essentials in the complicated, changing international situation."

Previously he had reiterated that "in the face of a changing situation, a basic approach is to follow the trend of multi-polarization and economic globalization, understand the global pursuit of peace and development, and seek mutually beneficial cooperation." Only with the correct perspective on the overall situation can we fully understand that peace and development remain the call of the times, and that the problems arising around the world today are merely results of a failure to understand correctly the trend of peace and development.
