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首页 > 抗击新冠肺炎疫情


发布时间:2020-04-26 | 来源:中国网



Prevention and Control for People with Travel and Residence History in Epidemic Areas

According to the Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia, released by the NHC on January 29, people who have lived in or traveled to epidemic areas like Wuhan in the previous two weeks should take prevention and control measures, including registration, quarantine, and getting medical attention as appropriate. 

Specifically, they should do the following:

* Register at local community or village administration as soon as possible, and avoid outdoor activities, especially visits to crowded public places;

* Monitor their health conditions twice a day for 14 consecutive days starting from the day of leaving the epidemic areas;

* Stay alone or in well-ventilated single rooms, if possible, and minimize close contacts with family members;

* Seek medical advice immediately if they have suspicious symptoms related to COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, sore throat, chest distress, breathing difficulties, mildly poor appetite, fatigue, feebleness, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mild myalgia in limbs or the lumbodorsal area); 

* On the way to hospital, wear a surgical or N95 mask, and avoid taking public transportation; have the car windows remain opened for good ventilation; keep the mask on and hands clear all the time; and stay at least one meter from other people;

* Disinfectants containing chlorine or peracetic acid are recommended to sterilize all surfaces of the vehicle if contaminated by their respiratory secretions or body fluids.
