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发布时间:2024-08-20 | 来源:当代中国与世界研究院


格物究理由北宋哲学家程颐(1033—1107)提出,南宋哲学家朱熹(1130—1200)继承发展,意为考察事物, 探究事物的道理,后用来表示考察研究事物的规律。


Study in Quest of Principles

This concept, first proposed by the ancient philosopher Cheng Yi (1033-1107) and developed by Zhu Xi (1130-1200), originally exhorted people to study things to acquire principles. Later, it was used to describe inquiry of the principles of things.

As a way of thinking, it discusses the relationship between knowledge and application. All things have their own nature and law of development. Only through thorough inquiry of their nature and law can one make good use of them to achieve specific goals. Just like the natural sciences of the modern times, it stresses the importance of seeking truth from facts. The idea offers a basic approach to work and life, and its inheritance and development have effectively promoted progress in science and technology.
