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发布时间:2024-08-28 | 来源:当代中国与世界研究院





Household Registration System

Ancient China's household registration system emerged during the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.). The system required anyone under the government's jurisdiction to register their name, age, and place of origin.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.), the head of each clan was responsible for managing anything related to the land and population in their local area. However, during the Warring States period, various feudal states sought to increase their wealth and power. To achieve this goal, a household registration system was established to effectively manage their populations and collect taxes. Those who were registered under the system were referred to as "registered households". In their attempt to directly govern matters related to local land and populations, the states rolled out rules stipulating that all people were subjects of the ruler and should be registered under the category of "common people".

In addition to being an administrative tool, the system helped collect taxes. The common people categorized under the registration system were considered to have independent identities, and were responsible for paying taxes and/or provid- ing corvée labor or military service, based on their assets. They were equal before the law.
