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发布时间:2021-01-11 | 来源:中国网



Absolute Poverty

Absolute poverty has two criteria: First, the baseline for poverty is absolute; it refers to the basic living standards or basic needs for human subsistence. Second, it means a condition of extreme poverty, with a severe shortage of basic necessities of life or extreme deprivation of basic human needs. Absolute poverty is also called “subsistence poverty” or “basic needs poverty” in some developing countries.

To determine whether an individual or family is living under absolute poverty, an acceptable wellbeing line (absolute poverty line) is set for basic needs or minimum living conditions for subsistence, and the individual or family will be defined as suffering absolute poverty if their wellbeing (income or consumption) falls below this line.

There are a number of ways to define the absolute poverty line, such as the Market Basket Method, Engle’s Ratio Method and Martin Method.