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发布时间:2021-01-11 | 来源:中国网



针对这些问题,《中共中央 国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》明确提出,“建立健全脱贫攻坚多规划衔接、多部门协调长效机制,整合目标相近、方向类同的涉农资金。按照权责一致原则,支持连片特困地区县和国家扶贫开发工作重点县围绕本县突出问题,以扶贫规划为引领,以重点扶贫项目为平台,把专项扶贫资金、相关涉农资金和社会帮扶资金捆绑集中使用”。支持贫困县统筹整合使用财政涉农资金,既是提高财政资金配置效率、保障脱贫攻坚资金需求的关键之举,也是深化农村改革、加快实现农业现代化的重大探索。


Integrating Government Funds for Rural Development

As they receive more poverty relief funds from the governments, poor areas often find problems in using the money. One problem is a lack of autonomy in arranging projects and using funds. Poor counties know where the money is needed the most, but do not necessarily have the power to use the money for that purpose. Under the rule that a fund can be used for its specified purpose only and cannot be diverted for other purposes, to some extent, projects and funds are “fragmented,” and this impacts the results of targeted poverty alleviation measures.

To address these problems, the Decision on Winning the Battle Against Poverty proposed a long-term mechanism for docking different plans for poverty elimination, coordinating government departments, and integrating funds with similar purposes in agricultural development. In line with the principle of balance between power and responsibility, counties in contiguous areas of extreme poverty and key counties eligible for state assistance will focus on their own most prominent problems, follow poverty alleviation plans, and coordinate the application of special funds allocated for poverty relief, funds for agricultural development, and social assistance funds on key projects. This will enhance the efficiency of fund utilization to meet urgent capital needs. It will also drive rural reform to a deeper level and accelerate agricultural modernization.

The State Council issued in 2016 a document allowing some pilot priority counties to combine government funds for rural development. These trials are expected to create a new scheme of poverty relief inputs, by “diverting water from multiple sources and drawing it off through a single tap,” so as to increase the internal impetus of poor counties, enhance the efficiency of various funds in developing key projects, and divert more capital and social assistance resources into poverty elimination.