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发布时间:2022-07-11 | 来源:当代中国与世界研究院






The Rural Subsistence Allowance System

Since the late 1970s, the central authorities have adopted a series of major policies and kept increasing support for poverty alleviation and social assistance. Although the number of rural poor was much smaller, there were still people whose basic needs were not met. The government needed to ensure their basic living conditions, and help those with the ability to work escape poverty through their own efforts.

At its third plenary session held in October 2003, the 16th CPC Central Committee adopted a decision on improving the socialist market economy, in which it initiated a subsistence allowance system in rural areas. After a number of trials, by March 2007 this system had been introduced in 2,133 counties and districts in 25 provinces and equivalent administrative units, benefiting more than 15 million farmers. The "five guarantees" (food, clothing, housing, medical service and funeral costs) program for eligible groups in rural areas was originally supported by farmers collectively, and now it was mainly supported by government subsidies.

In July 2007, the State Council, in a notice on establishing a nationwide rural subsistence allowance system, required that all eligible rural poor population have access to the subsistence allowance, so as to steadily and effectively provide them with adequate food and clothing in the long term. 

This system was established across the country following the Party's 17th National Congress in late 2007. By the end of 2008, 19.8 million households and 43 million people had received such rural subsistence allowances. The total spending of the year on this reached 22.9 billion yuan.

In 2009, pilots were conducted on a new type of rural social old-age insurance. All rural residents above the age of 16 (excluding students) who were not covered by the basic old-age insurance for urban workers could apply. Those above 60 years were entitled to a monthly pension. The pilots involved 10 percent of counties, urban districts and banners in 2009, and by 2020 the scheme had reached nearly all eligible rural residents.

The introduction of the rural subsistence allowance system and the new type rural social old-age insurance were major measures to ensure basic needs and to build an extensive social security network. They helped promote rural economic and social development, narrow the urban-rural gap, and achieve social equity.