


首页 > 中国共产党成立100周年特辑


发布时间:2022-07-11 | 来源:当代中国与世界研究院




The Resumption of the College Entrance Examinations

In 1977, China reintroduced the college entrance examinations, which had been suspended for 10 years during the Cultural Revolution.

In early August 1977, Deng Xiaoping, who had just been reinstated after the Cultural Revolution, presided over a meeting on science and education. The participants requested that the college entrance examinations be restarted as soon as possible, and the proposal was endorsed by Deng. In September, the Ministry of Education decided to go ahead. In October, the State Council approved the ministry's report on holding national examinations in the winter of 1977 and agreed that all eligible workers, farmers, youth who had gone to countryside or stayed in cities, ex-servicemen, officials, and clerks, as well as senior high school graduates of that year, could take part. More than 5.7 million people from all walks of life sat the examinations and 273,000 of them were accepted by universities and colleges.

The resumption of the examinations ushered in the era of China's reform and opening up. This reflected the need for a large number of qualified people in various sectors, and the future of the next generations was transformed. It also laid sound foundations for China's development and take-off in the ensuing decades.