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发布时间:2024-08-28 | 来源:当代中国与世界研究院


苏轼(1037—1101),宋代著名文学家,宋代文学最高成就的代表。苏轼的诗歌题材丰富、风格旷达,他首创词坛“豪放”一派,是中国文化史上罕见的通才、全才,在散文、诗词、绘画领域都有着极高的造诣。其代表作有《赤壁赋》《水调歌头·明月几时有》等。苏轼还是一位美食家, 创造出“东坡肉”等饮食精品。


Su Shi

Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo, was a renowned literary figure during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and the icon of the highest achievements in Song Dynasty literature. His poetry was characterized by rich themes and an expansive style. He was the founder of the "bold" style in the ci poetry form, and was a rare polymath in China's cultural history, achieving great successes in prose, poetry, and painting. His representative works include My Visit to the Red Cliffs and Prelude to Water Melody. Su Shi was also a gourmet and created culinary masterpieces such as "Dongpo Pork".

Su Shi came from a humble family, but in his youth he developed a strong sense of serving the people, and made "the people are the foundation of the world" his lifelong political philosophy. Due to his outspokenness and readiness to offer advice, he was often marginalized and exiled. Despite numerous setbacks, Su Shi maintained a detached attitude, adapting to his circumstances, and remained true to his original aspiration of serving the country and the people. His devotion to the people earned him their deep love and respect. His unwavering commitment to his beliefs in the face of adversity has been admired by later generations, making it a cherished trait in Chinese culture.